
I have been trying to investigate the death of singer songwriter Elliott Smith for years. After talking to many people who knew him, after looking at the details of the autopsy report and the narrative of his girlfriend Jennifer Chiba, I was alarmed by the many inconsistencies and discrepancies of the case. His death was determined inconclusive by the coroner and the case was left open by the LAPD since.

Rock NYC‘s editor Iman Lababedi started being interested by Elliott’s story when sound engineer Larry Crane left a comment following a review of one of Elliott’s albums and mentioning his ‘suicide’: ‘Your facts on Elliott’s passing are incorrect’, wrote Crane, and that was enough to trigger Iman’s curiosity. When I also left a comment, a long investigation into Elliott Smith’s mysterious death started.

All these articles were originally published by Rock NYC over the course of five years.

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14 Comments Add yours

  1. kimberly says:

    Alyson, just a comment to let you know I think you are fighting a very worthwhile fight and hope that you continue until something comes of it. I have read all of your reporting and draw many of the same conclusions that you have. Have you ever tried to get this story more attention on a broader forum such as an investigative news program like 48Hours on CBS? The nature and facts and mysteries of Elliott’s story would seem to work on such a program and could possibly spur some action on the part of the investigators. I really think this case needs to reach more people; clearly, his fans are paying attention, but if only more “important” ears were listening, perhaps some sort of positive action may occur. At the very least, a re-examining of the evidence and facts needs to be done. I appreciate your tireless efforts and believe that you will get there.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. alysoncamus says:

    Thank you for your support Kimberly! I have tried to contact a few media about the story, so far I haven’t been successful but I don’t give up. I hope this website will be able to draw more attention on the case. Thanks again for the comment!


  3. Hollywood M says:

    Go Camus!


  4. Thomas says:

    Thank you for your hard work on Elliott’s case. I remember hearing about the absurd assumption that his death was a suicide way back in 2004 and was blown away that the people who are supposedly trusted with protecting the public could be so clueless, corrupt or both… The world needs more people of high integrity and work ethic like yourself. Have you gotten in touch with Ole Damagaurd of Light on Conspiracies and others who specialize in these cases with large followings? Check out: https://www.lightonconspiracies.com/

    Thanks for all you do…


  5. Virgini Garci says:

    I think it’s absolutely insane that his girlfriend wasn’t investigated a lot deeper, he didn’t do that to himself, no way…and then she removes the knife? How convenient!…I hope that this case gets reopened, he was an amazing, sensitive man and not psychotic. Hate it when I read he killed himself ! Unbelievable…


    1. Clementine says:

      I hadnt even thought about her taking the knife out. It would explain her fingerprints being on it if she did do him in. I try not to go in for theories like this when it’s a possible suicide but knowing what we know about his last year and whatnot, this never felt right. Im glad people are still pushing


  6. Titian says:

    Don’t give up. Even if your efforts only lead to more questions, keeping his name in conversation is a justice in itself. Justice for Elliot Smith.


    1. alysoncamus says:

      Thank you! I agree questions are important

      Liked by 1 person

  7. mae says:

    i think your love and concern for elliott’s memory is beautiful, but i worry your investigation only causes more pain for those who knew him. his story is tragic, and while we may never know just what happens, i feel we should honor him, rather than arguing over just what happened.

    the thought that his girlfriend were, in some way, behind this is obviously heartbreaking, but even more-so is the thought that you are accusing an innocent woman who suffered the loss of her love.

    i truly hope this message does not come across as rude whatsoever. i am in awe of your dedication, i just fear false accusations could cause more harm than justice. sending love!!


    1. alyson camus says:

      Sorry, but you are wrong. I have communicated with a family member, someone who was very close to Elliott (this person is not his half-sister Ashley). I cannot reveal his/her name because he/she does not want to talk publicly but here are two excerpts of his/her emails. I hope this answers your concern.

      ‘Words are insufficient to describe how appreciative I am for the enormous effort the three* of you have made. Thanks for truly caring enough about Elliott and his reputation to give so much.’

      ‘Thanks for being the voice of sanity and continuing to try to help with this. I wish you the good life you deserve.’

      * three because it refers to the people who are helping me.

      Also, I do not send accusations, I am just asking questions and pointing out discrepancies and inconsistencies in her narrative and actions. I also tried to ask her for an interview in person, so far I was unsuccessful.


  8. N C says:

    Thanks for this.

    When I read the toxicity report showed null save for anti-depressants, it made it hard to accept that he had hurt himself.
    I work I suicide counselling now, his condition at the time (the lack of booze and heavy drug use) doesn’t point to a high likelihood of this being a suicide. And Western medicine is hyper concerned with provable facts. Write a sad song, and that would prove you might be a sad person. Joke about suicide and that would make it more likely you might suicide. But Western medical practitioners frequently miss large swaths of important information because it doesn’t fit with their personal or professional worldview. I don’t think the autopsy was wrong on purpose, but I also find it hard to believe he stabbed himself with no hesitation wounds over a fight with a girlfriend while sober, and with serotonin absorption enhancing medicine coursing through his veins. Thanks for doing this work. Good on you.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Nigel Ellis says:

    It just seems extraordinary and inexplicable, from the outside, that there hasn’t been a more rigorous official approach. Presumably this is due to lack of hard evidence, and perhaps the citing of circumstantial details about Elliott’s life, and quotes, and probably, I would hazard, prejudice by the establishment against artists.
    Very best wishes and all power to your cause.


    1. alysoncamus says:

      Thanks. It was the task of the police to collect hard evidence. The scene was not treated as a crime scene, Elliott was already at the hospital when the police arrived and she told them it was a suicide, backing up her claim by mentioning Elliott’s history with addiction, depression and suicide ideation; who knows what they did and didn’t do.


  10. Anon says:

    I found this blog in a rather peculiar way. Was watching “Keeping the Faith”, and heard an Elliott Smith song played. Thought it was such an odd and gruesome way that he died. Went to his Wikipedia page, read about his life and saw there were more details surrounding his death. Very strange the police didn’t perform a more thorough investigation all things considered. To those digging for the truth, keep the faith.


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